Operating since 1997, with the goal of creating new culinary trends and promoting the art of preparing exquisite dishes, New Viet Dairy has created the New Viet Gastronomy concept ready to bring the best solutions to increase Brand value and business efficiency for businesses, from providing high quality products that meet strict food hygiene and safety standards to marketing activities, training and more
At Food & Hotel Vietnam 2024, New Viet Gastronomy’s culinary experts are ready to share with you the secrets of optimizing business efficiency in each dish, while collaborating with the sales staff. Experienced sales staff of New Viet Dairy to answer all customer questions.
We not only bring you top quality imported products. We work harder every day to create new ideas and optimal culinary solutions. Come and connect with New Viet Dairy at booth AE5-01!
And don’t forget to follow our event page to get the latest updates on the program:https://bit.ly/3P3BP3f